It is an obvious fact that the goldsmiths’ works originated in various circumstances. The texts of the four case studies published in the book are an attempt to identify the different alternatives. Domestic works on one side and imports on the other are not vertically placed in hierarchical positions, but rather contextualized in the specific frameworks in which they originated or circulated after their completion. They represented inter-cultural contacts or active artistic communication of a specific micro-region in both inward and outward directions. Although the four chapters of the book are understood more as case studies and cannot be regarded as synthesizing works, their titles already ask questions, which apply more comprehensively to the interpretation of early modern art in the central Slovak mining towns. The book will be shortly published also in English by the Peter Lang Publishing House.
Societas historiae artium a Ústav dejín umenia SAV,Bratislava, 2016
ISBN 978-80-970304-5-2