doc. PhDr. Ingrid Ciulisová DSc. - profile
Education and degrees:
2008 doc. (equivalent of associated Professor), Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Charles University, Prague
2003 Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University (Stichting 2003-Restauratie Atelier Limburg, Maastricht)
1995 Ph.D., Comenius University in Bratislava
1983 graduated from the Comenius University in Bratislava
Visiting lectureships:
”The patronage of Duke Albert of Saxe-Teschen as governor of the Austrian Netherlands (1781-1793)“, VLAC, the Flemish Academic Centre for Science and the Arts (Institute for Advanced Study), organized by the KVAB (Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België), the Royal Flemish Academy, April 30, 2010, Brussels (Belgium).
”Obrazy a svedkovia´. ´Hledání realit. Vybrané aspekty nizozemského malířství 15.-17.století´,´Paintings and Witnesses“. Selected aspects of the Netherlandish painting of the 15th - 17th centuries. Alšova česká galerie, December 15, 2009, České Budějovice (Czech Republic).
”Central European Collectors and Art Collecting in America: Count János Pálffy (1829-1908) and Baron Karl Kuffner (1847-1924)“, ´ Fellows' Forum, Center for the History of Collecting in America, The Frick collection, October 29, 2008, New York (USA).
Conference organization & proceedings edited:
Professional memberships:
CODART - Council for Curators of Dutch and Flemish art
CIHA- Comité International d'Histoire de l'Art