Journal ARS 29 (1996) 1-3
Jaromír Homolka – historik stredovekého umenia Slovenska[Jaromír Homolka – Historian of Medieval Art in Slovakia]
Jaromír Homolka, professor emeritus at Charles University Prague, is one of the leading specialists in medieval art in Bohemia. Nevertheless, he devoted a great deal of his writings also to medieval art in Slovakia. He is the author of a synthetic monograph Gothic Sculpture in Slovakia, Bratislava 1972. The present paper analyzes Homolka's conception of the history of Gothic art in Slovakia. Homolka interprets Gothic sculpture in Slovakia as an organism that transforms external influences into continuity of internal evolution. In addition, late medieval towns regarded as Slovakia's cultural centers, played a particular role in the region according to Homolka: They mediated artistic gains of the southern parts of Central Europe to its northern parts.