Journal ARS 43 (2010) 1
Rodzińska-Chorąży, Teresa: Zespoły rezydencjonalne i kościoły centralne na ziemiach polskich do połowy XII wieku[Rodzińska-Chorąży, Teresa: Palace Complexes and Central Churches in the Polish Lands until the Middle of the 12th Century]
The reviewed book is a critical comeback to matters of discoveries and interpretations of a series of important monuments, correcting also the author’s earlier research outcomes, of the oldest architecture in Poland. It presents a sum-up of the genesis of particular building types, too. Chapters devoted to methodological questions about the character of the beginnings of the medieval art in the Polish context complete the publication. A thorough reflection of the existing national and international research is characteristic of the author’s overall approach to the explored topics.
English translation by M. Hrdina