Journal ARS 43 (2010) 1
Zapomenutý výtvarník Josef Vinecký[Josef Vinecký. A Forgotten Artist]
Sculptor and designer Josef Vinecký (1882–1949), a student and assistant of Henry van de Velde (1902 – 1908), significantly contributed to the avant-garde movement in artistic and art educational spheres. His activities were bound to Germany, including former German Silesia (1902 – 1936): Weimar, Unterweissbach, Wiesbaden, Breslau, Berlin, and to former Czechoslovakia (1937 – 1949): Bratislava, Prague, Olomouc. After his death, he was almost forgotten. The reviewed publication and exhibition, the outcomes of a long-lasting research conducted by Alena Kavčáková, present a complex and richly illustrated art historical insight into Vinecký’s life and work.
English translation by M. Hrdina