Editing and publishing activity

The images analyzed in this book give each viewer the possibility to interact with Saint Elizabeth’s unique spiritual way, which was nurtured by various sources, including moments of spontaneous inspiration. The religious leaders who went on to imagine and commission a visual image understood the enormous potential associated with the religious zeal of the extraordinary noble lady as a shining example offering new paths towards Christian charity. The images represent an important testimony of what happened, or rather how the artist or the patron imagined events from the saint´s life. Elizabeth’s extraordinary individual charity has been a source of inspiration to many of her admirers, but the artists and their patrons must have experienced and considered the needs and desires which characterized their period and the communities they were serving. There has been a significant interval between the over-temporal needs or values and contingent historical situations with changing constellations of interests, medial landscapes and rules of political game. The medieval cult of saint Elizabeth awakened the interest of the most influential political figures of the time. Their individual dialogues with the saint connected resonant spiritual messages, which were valid for the duration of any individual’s lifespan, with transient concerns about political struggles, military fights, or materialistic considerations. As a result, the images are multilayered products reflecting human needs and longings on several levels. This book offers a minuscule testimony from this endless flux of feelings, observations and meditations in an effort to broaden slightly the limited range of human experience.
Peeters Publishers ,Leuven 2020
Nadácia Novum, VŠVU a Slovart,Bratislava, 2020
Nadácia Novum; VŠVU a Slovart,Bratislava, 2019
Bibiana Pomfyová, D. Buran, D. Haberland, M. Samuel, M. Bóna, R. Ragač, J. Šedivý, M. Tihányiová, H. Žažová
Fo Art s. r. o.; Ústav dejín umenia SAV,Bratislava, 2015
ISBN 978-80-89664-35-1
Ivan Gerát, Autor fotografií Alexander Jiroušek
JES SK,Košice, 2016
ISBN 978-80-88900-89-4
It is an obvious fact that the goldsmiths’ works originated in various circumstances. The texts of the four case studies published in the book are an attempt to identify the different alternatives. Domestic works on one side and imports on the other are not vertically placed in hierarchical positions, but rather contextualized in the specific frameworks in which they originated or circulated after their completion. They represented inter-cultural contacts or active artistic communication of a specific micro-region in both inward and outward directions. Although the four chapters of the book are understood more as case studies and cannot be regarded as synthesizing works, their titles already ask questions, which apply more comprehensively to the interpretation of early modern art in the central Slovak mining towns. The book will be shortly published also in English by the Peter Lang Publishing House.
Societas historiae artium a Ústav dejín umenia SAV,Bratislava, 2016
ISBN 978-80-970304-5-2
Zostavili: Dana Bořutová - Katarína Beňová
Vydavateľstvo Stimul ,Bratislava 2015
ISBN 978-80-8127-145-8
Pictonica, s.r.o.,Ľubiša 2015
ISBN 978-80-972208-0-8
Jozef Medvecký
Societas historiae artium,Bratislava 2015
ISBN 978-80-970304-4-5
Edited by: Ingrid Ciulisová
Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main - Vydavateľstvo VEDA, Bratislava,2014, Spectrum Slovakia, Volume 7
ISBN 978-3-631-66122-2
Herbert Karner, Ingrid Ciulisová, Bernardo J. García García
www.courtresidences.eu, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften,2014, Palatium e-Publication, Volume 1
ISBN 978-94-6018-483-3
Bibiana Pomfyová, Marián Samuel, Henrieta Žažová
FO Art,Bratislava 2014
ISBN 978-80-89664-22-1
Zostavila: Dana Bořutová
Spolok architektov Slovenska,Bratislava 2014
ISBN 978-80-88757-83-2
Vydavateľstvo VEDA,Bratislava 2014, (European Dimensions of the Artistic Culture in Slovakia (ITMS: 26240120035))
ISBN 978-80-224-1338-1
Edited by: Ivan Gerát, Adam Bžoch, Dagmar Podmaková, Hana Urbancová, Dana Hučková, Peter Žeňuch
Ústav dejín umenia SAV,Bratislava 2013, (European Dimensions of the Artistic Culture in Slovakia (ITMS: 26240120035), Proceedings from the International Conference)
ISBN 978-80-971407-5-5
Vydavateľstvo VEDA,Bratislava 2013, (European Dimensions of the Artistic Culture in Slovakia (ITMS: 26240120035))
ISBN 978-80-224-1349-7
Zostavili: Zuzana Bartošová, Lena Lešková
Východoslovenská galéria,Košice 2013, (European Dimensions of the Artistic Culture in Slovakia (ITMS: 26240120035) / VEGA)
ISBN 978-80-85745-69-6
Jozef Medvecký
Societas historiae artium,Bratislava 2013
ISBN 978-80-970304-3-8
Societas historiae artium,Bratislava 2013
ISBN 978-80-970304-2-1
Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 2013, Schriftenreihe der Slowakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften / Series of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Band / Volume 5
ISBN 978-3-631-64452-2
Zostavili: Viliam Judák, Peter Bednár, Jozef Medvecký
(English version of the book: The Nitra Castle and Cathedral Church - Basilica of St. Emmeram. Nitra: Biskupský úrad, Arte Libris, 2012. ISBN 978-80-971057-5-4.)
Biskupský úrad v Nitre ,Bratislava 2012
ISBN 978-80-971057-5-4
Zostavili: Viliam Judák, Peter Bednár, Jozef Medvecký
(English version of the book: The Cradle of Christianity in Slovakia. Nitra Castle and the Cathedral of St. Emmeram. Their Changes through the Ages. Nitra, Bratislava: Bishop´s Office, Institute of Archaeology SAS, 2011. ISBN 978-80-970809-8-3.)
Biskupský úrad v Nitre v spolupráci s Archeologickým ústavom SAV,Bratislava 2011
ISBN 978-80-970809-8-3
Marta Herucová, Mária Novotná
Slovenské národné múzeum - Spišské múzeum v Levoči ,2011
ISBN 978-80-85167-49-8
Vydavateľstvo VEDA,Bratislava 2011
ISBN 978-80-224-1219-3
Vydavateľstvo VEDA,Bratislava 2011
ISBN 978-80-224-1204-9
Kalligram,Bratislava 2011
ISBN 978-80-8101-570-0
Zostavili: Dana Bořutová, Katarína Beňová
Vydavateľstvo Stimul ,Bratislava 2010
ISBN 978-80-8127-01-6
Dana Bořutová
Vydavateľstvo SLOVART,Bratislava 2009
ISBN 978-80-8085-665-6
Societas historiae artium v spolupráci s Ústavom dejín umenia SAV,Bratislava 2009
ISBN 978-80-970304-0-7
Vydavateľstvo VEDA,Bratislava 2009
ISBN 978-80-224-1083-0
Marta Herucová, Mária Novotná
Slovenské národné múzeum,Bratislava 2008
ISBN 978-80-8060-232-1
Zuzana Bartošová, Ľuba Belohradská, Uglješa Rajčevič, Miroslava K. Valová
Galéria Jána Koniarka v Trnave a Občianske združenie Trnavské fórum ´89,Trnava 2007
ISBN 80-85132-42-7
Zuzana Bartošová, Ivan Gerát, Marta Herucová, Jozef Medvecký, Martin Vančo
Vydavateľstvo SLOVART spol. s r. o.,Bratislava 2007
ISBN 978-80-8085-435-5
Editor: Barbara Balážová
Ústav dejín umenia SAV + atelier_choma,Bratislava 2007
ISBN 978-80-968682-9-2
Marta Herucová, Zuzana Francová, Želmíra Grajciarová
Albert Marencin Vydavatelstvo PT,Bratislava 2006
ISBN 80-89218-14-8
Expert editors: Lorne Campbell, Rudi Ekkart. Reviewed by: Olga Kotková, Zsuzsa Urbach
Veda, Vydavateľstvo SAV,Bratislava 2006, with the support of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation
ISBN-13: 978-80-224-0928-5 - ISBN-10: 80-224-092
Vydané vlastným nákladom autorky,Bratislava 2004, Summary in English (pp. 158-159)
ISBN 80-89142-01-X
Kalligram,Bratislava 2004, (Edition "Domino")
ISBN 80-7149-610-3
Autor koncepcie a editor: Ján Bakoš
Edited by Jan Bakos
Book of texts from the International colloquium
held on December 11-13, 2003 in Bratislava
Nadácia - Centrum súčasného umenia / Ústav dejín umenia SAV, vydavateľstvo VEDA,Bratislava 2004
ISBN 80-224-0823-9
Ján Bakoš, Martin Vančo, Milan Togner, Ivan Gerát, Ingrid Ciulisová, Jozef Medvecký, Mária Pötzl - Malíková, Dana Bořutová
Veda, Vydavateľstvo SAV,Bratislava 2002, 164 ills. Summary in English
ISBN 80-224-0738-0
Autor koncepcie a editor: Ján Bakoš
Jan Bakos (editor)
Introduction by J. Bakos. Authors: K. Moxey, M. A. Holly, D. Preziosi, W. Kemp, S. Bann, M. Rampley, J. Elkins
F-CCA Slovensko,Bratislava 2002
ISBN 80-224-0823-9
Veda, Vydavateľstvo SAV, Bratislava 2001, Summary in German (pp. 285-290)
ISBN 80-224-0643-0
Koloman Kertész Bagala, Vydavateľstvo L.C.A.,Levice 2001
ISBN 80-88897-51-3
Kalligram,Bratislava 2000 (Edícia Domino), Summary in English
ISBN 80-7149-364-3
Vienna School of Art History - Czecho-Slovak Structuralism - Russian Historiography of Art - Iconology & Semiotics
Veda, Vydavateľstvo SAV,Bratislava 2000, Summary in English (pp. 357-364)
ISBN 80-224-0601-5
Veda, Vydavateľstvo SAV,Bratislava 2000, Summary in English
ISBN 80-224-0647-3
Editori: Ivan Gerát, Tomáš Surý
Conference papers by J. Bakos, B. Pomfyova, T. Sury, I. Gerat, D. Borutova, Z. Bartosova, M. Potzl-Malikova, Z. Lapitkova, J. Medvecky
Ústav dejín umenia SAV,Bratislava 1999
ISBN 80-968295-0-5
SCCA, Sorosovo centrum súčasného umenia - Slovensko,Bratislava 1999, Summary in English (pp. 229-232)
ISBN 80-968089-3-1
(English version of the book: The Fate of the Monuments of Slovakia 1919-1949. Vydavateľstvo Kubko Goral, Bratislava 1998. ISBN 80-88858-33-X.)
Kubko Goral,Bratislava 1996, Slovak version
ISBN 80-88858-04-6
Dana Bořutová-Debnárová
Pallas,Bratislava 1993
ISBN 80-7095-017-X
Tatran,Bratislava 1984