Časopis ARS 51 (2018) 1-2
K dataci a emblematice Bible Václava IV.
It is argued that art, particularly the visual arts, during the regin of Richard II and Queen Anne of Bohemia were in some way connected to the Bohemian painting as a consequence of Richard’s marriage to Anne, daughter of Charles IV, the Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia, and sister of King Wenceslas IV, in 1382. This influence was supposed to be introduced through manuscript illuminations and portable altarpieces brought by Anne from Prague to London. However, some authors reject this theory and point to the fact that Bohemian manuscript illumination seemed to have had very little effect on English painting. The same authors also assume that the Bohemian manuscripts were in fact created after Anne´s arrival to England in 1382, thus virtually eliminating the possibility of Bohemian influence on English visual arts. Therefore it is highly interesting to reconsider whether the dating of the manuscripts is actually correct, how this dating was done and on what reasons exactly it is based on. This study suggests that the works on the Wenceslaus Bible started ten years prior to the generally accepted date, i.e. at the end of the 1370s or around the year 1380 – just before Anne´s departure for England.