Časopis ARS 28 (1995) 2-3
Identifikácia orientálnych motívov vo veľkomoravskom umení na príklade analýzy ornito-animálnej výzdoby[Identification of Oriental Motives in the Art of Great Moravia on the Example of Ornito-Animal Decoration]
K. Benda and J. Dekan have already been working on the problem of the Oriental motives in the art of Great Moravia. They identified sassanide and postsassanide sources. The problem of bird motives was not analyzed into detail and also the represented arts of birds were not identified exactly. These motives are found on the buttons and metal plating (setting). It is possible to discern schematic and naturalistic pictures of birds. It is possible to analyze the last one on the base of taxonomical method that has not been applied yet. I have identified the arts of birds which were inspired from the sassanide iconography and the arts of birds which were inspired from home area. I have compared their meaning and presumed similar using of these motives in both cultures. Since they were discovered especially in the rich graves it is possible to interpret the bird motives as a artifact of social position of their proprietress.